Mese: Marzo 2020

Coronavirus: Implications for the implementation of programmes managed by EACEA

Coronavirus: Implications for the implementation of programmes managed by EACEA Message to the attention of beneficiaries/contractors/experts If the implementation of the project or contracts are impeded by the spread of Corona Virus COVID-19, as a first step the beneficiaries/contractors/experts must inform the Executive Agency (EACEA) by e-mail to the responsible project officer you are usually in 

Eventi annullati

Eventi annullati

AVVISO IMPORTANTE A causa dell’emergenza Corona Virus il kick-off Meeting del progetto ed il Multiplier Sport Event n. 1 sono stati ANNULLATI e rinviati a data da destinarsi IMPORTANT NOTICE Due to the Corona Virus emergency, the project kick-off Meeting and the Multiplier Sport Event